Submit Business

Nonmember businesses with a physical location within the city of San Marcos may request an online directory listing if your listing is not currently displayed on the San Marcos Chamber's website. Submissions are verified and approved on a case-by-case. If your listing does not meet our minimum requirements, the listing may be removed.

Please provide valid contact information, especially an email address, so we can re-confirm the listing with you annually.

Website links, logos, photos, videos, artwork and content are available for enhanced member listings only. Nonmember listings will include a business name, address, and phone number. Nonmembers will also receive access to a basic version of the exclusive Member Information Center to permit nonmembers and the community to post classified ads, events, jobs, and more for a minimal charge. Full access to the MIC is available to members in good standing.
Your Name
Physical Address for Your Business
Please enter a valid email address. We will use this as one of several means to verify the legitimacy of your listing.
Please visit the existing Chamber directory of local businesses to choose from one of the available categories.
Add email address, name and title to receive weekly eNewsletter.